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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1521
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2023 .16 .6890
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 16،
number In Volume 7،
issue Number 89
The element of character in the evolution of fictional literature from realism to postmodernism based on speech
Razieh Sahifi , Maryam Shaygan (Author in Charge), Mohammad Hojjat , Maryam Gholamreza Beigi
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Literature is a foundation for showing anomalies and disordered social situations, and over time, this critical view has entered all political, cultural, social, artistic, etc. fields and has caused profound changes. In accordance with these developments, fiction literature has been able to create a discourse whose product is the production of a new literary form and context, so that it can draw a clear horizon for the advancement of humanity in this valley. In classic stories, the central character connects cause and effect with his presence in the story, but gradually in modern and post-modern stories, the element of causality is absent and the fictional characters are unable to express cause and effect relationships. The purpose of this article is to examine the evolution of fictional literature based on the element of character in three eras: realist, modern, and post-modern.
METHODOLOGY: This research was done in an analytical-descriptive manner and based on library sources; Describing the stories in terms of content and theme in the three mentioned periods, as well as comparing the speech of the characters and their effect on direct and indirect action on the verbs of the story, is one of the analytical and descriptive methods of this research.
FINDINGS: The findings of this research show the place of dialogue element in the characterization of the writers of all three periods. In realistic stories, the conversations during the story are based on the outside world. In the modern period, due to the predominance of the inner world, conversations are often monologues and in an irregular and scattered form, and in postmodern stories, the conversation has more interaction with mental conflict and has a lot of irregularity.
CONCLUSION: The common thread of all three periods is the formation of the theme of the story based on the dialogue element; Also, the author"s ability to emphasize the types of dialogues in the fiction works of each period is one of the most important verbal and non-verbal factors of the characters in the progressing process of the story.
fictional literature
, realistic literature
, modern literature
, Postmodern literature
, Conversation.
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